sed 命令成功地在文件中查找和替換,位擦除新文件中的所有內容
我在名為 test2.txt 的文件中有這個 xml 文本
<This is a line of text with a year=2020 month=12 in it This line of text does not have a year or month in it This year=2021 is the current year the current month=1 This is the year=2021 the month=2/> <This is a line of text with a year=33020 month=12 in it This line of text does not have a year or month in it This year=33020 is the current year the current month=1 This is the year=33020 the month=2/>
sed -i -En '/./{H;$!d} ; x ; s/<(This.*2020.*)\/>/<!--\1-->/p' test2.txt
但結果是 sed 命令刪除了文件中所有其餘的字元串並將正則表達式 init 的結果放入,所以現在 test2.txt 看起來像這樣:
<!--This is a line of text with a year=2020 month=12 in it This line of text does not have a year or month in it This year=2021 is the current year the current month=1 This is the year=2021 the month=2-->
您明確告訴 sed不要列印,除非該行與模式匹配。因此,只需刪除運算符之後的the
和 the ,它就會按您的預期工作:p``s///
$ sed -E '/./{H;$!d} ; x ; s/<(This.*2020.*)\/>/<!--\1-->/' file <!--This is a line of text with a year=2020 month=12 in it This line of text does not have a year or month in it This year=2021 is the current year the current month=1 This is the year=2021 the month=2--> <This is a line of text with a year=33020 month=12 in it This line of text does not have a year or month in it This year=33020 is the current year the current month=1 This is the year=33020 the month=2/>
$ sed -E '/./{H;1h;$!d} ; x ; s/<(This.*2020.*)\/>/<!--\1-->/' file <!--This is a line of text with a year=2020 month=12 in it This line of text does not have a year or month in it This year=2021 is the current year the current month=1 This is the year=2021 the month=2--> <This is a line of text with a year=33020 month=12 in it This line of text does not have a year or month in it This year=33020 is the current year the current month=1 This is the year=33020 the month=2/>
sed -i.bak -E '/./{H;1h;$!d} ; x ; s/<(This.*2020.*)\/>/<!--\1-->/' file