我有一個腳本,它接受使用者的輸入(選項 1、2、3 等)來選擇要部署到遠端伺服器的文件。而不是使用者多次執行此腳本,我希望他們能夠輸入多個選項(例如 2,3),因此,這些條目會將文本添加到一個變數中,然後在主函式中引用該變數.
我已經嘗試將這些相加並讓輸入與總和相匹配,但是,如果我們有很多工件要放在這個列表中,選項 5 將部署一個東西,選項 2,3 將部署不同,但加在一起將部署與選項 5 相同這是不可接受的。
例如,這是我目前設置的內容,我只是匹配使用者輸入的字元串(刪除空格後,如果有的話)並執行該選項。這僅適用於 2 或 3 個工件,但是,當列表變長時,選擇會成倍增加。
#!/bin/sh export alltags="all" export tag1="artifact1" export tag2="artifact2" export tag3="artifact3" deployment_tag="" function updateArtifacts { cp -r /path/to/artifact/ --tags "\"${deployment_tag}"\" } echo "Enter the number of the artifacts you would like to deploy" "1. artifact1" "2. artifact2" "3. artifact3" read -p " " num trimNum=`echo $num | sed 's/ //g'` if [ "$trimNum" == "1" ]; then $deployment_tag+="$alltags" echo "Updating all artifacts" updateArtifacts elif [ "$trimNum" == "2" ]; then $deployment_tag+="$tag1" echo "Updating artifact 1" updateArtifacts elif [ "$trimNum" == "2,3" ]; then $deployment_tag+="$tag1,$tag2" echo "Updating artifact 1 and 2" updateArtifacts else echo "aborted, please enter a valid selection" fi
以下是如何使用數組執行此操作的範例,並且可以選擇從命令行獲取 args。如果沒有提供參數,則提示輸入工件標籤。
語句,因為事實證明,通過將所有標籤放入數組中,就不需要了。#!/bin/bash # dup stdout so we can print prompts etc in the ask function # anything printed to >&3 will go to the terminal (i.e. original stdout) # anything printed to stdout will be part of the function's return value exec 3>&1 tags=( all artifact1 artifact2 artifact3 artifact4 artifact5 artifact6 artifact7 artifact8 artifact9 artifact10 artifact11 artifact12 artifact13 artifact14 artifact15 ) declare -a deployment_tags declare -a nums # comment out or set to zero to disable debugging debug=1 [ "$debug" = 1 ] && declare -p tags deployment_tags nums ### ### functions ### print_choices() { i=1 while [ "$i" -lt "${#tags[@]}" ] ; do # one per line #printf '%i. %s\n' "$i" "${tags[$i]}" >&3 #let i=i+1 # or three per line for j in 0 1 2; do [ -n "${tags[$i]}" ] && printf '%2i. %-12s\t' "$i" "${tags[$i]}" >&3 let i=i+1 done printf "\n" >&3 done } usage() { echo "Usage: $(basename "$0") [n...]" echo print_choices echo "Choose 1 or more, separated by spaces or commas, or 0 for all of the above" exit 1; } ask() { echo "Enter the number of the artifacts you would like to deploy:" >&3 print_choices echo "Choose 1 or more, separated by spaces or commas, 0 for all, or q to quit" >&3 until [[ "$num" =~ ^[[:space:]0-9,qQ]+$ ]] ; do read -r -p "Choose: " num >&3 [[ $num =~ [qQ] ]] && return 1 # split into nums array. if num contains zero ("all"), remove # all other choices as they're already included in "all" nums=( $(printf '%s' "$num" | sed -e 's/.*0.*/0/; s/,/ /g') ) # if any of the numbers provided didn't correspond to a valid # tag, ask again for i in "${nums[@]}" ; do [ -z "${tags[$i]}" ] && echo "Invalid choice $i" >&3 && num="" done done echo "${nums[@]}" } updateArtifacts() { # WTF is the `--tags` argument to `cp`??? # echo it because it's bogus echo cp -r /path/to/artifact/ --tags "$@" # this function should do something useful with "$@". } ### ### main code ### # get the args from the command line, or ask for them if missing. if [ -n "$*" ] ; then # only digits separated by commas or spaces allowed [[ "$*" =~ ^[[:space:]0-9,]+$ ]] || usage # split into nums array. if num contains zero ("all"), remove # all other choices as they're already included in "all" nums=( $(printf '%s' "$*" | sed -e 's/.*0.*/0/; s/,/ /g') ) else nums=( $(ask) ) [ "$?" != 0 ] && echo "Quitting..." && exit 0 fi [ "$debug" = 1 ] && declare -p nums # get nums choices into deployment_tags array for i in "${nums[@]}" ; do [ -z "${tags[$i]}" ] && echo "Error: tag $i does not exist!" && exit 2 deployment_tags+=("${tags[$i]}") done [ "$debug" = 1 ] && declare -p deployment_tags updateArtifacts "${deployment_tags[@]}"