如何在 Linux Mint 中為 Lightshot 創建 PrtSc(列印螢幕)快捷方式
我使用 Linux Mint 18.3 Cinnamon 64 位。我已經
env WINEPREFIX="/home/vlastimil/.lightshot" wine C:\\windows\\command\\start.exe /Unix /home/vlastimil/.lightshot/dosdevices/c:/users/Public/Start\ Menu/Programs/Lightshot/Lightshot.lnk
(列印螢幕鍵)進入全屏剪切模式(事實上,與 Lightshot 在 Windows 下的功能相同)。什麼有效(從 執行時
):xdotool key --window $(xdotool search --limit 1 --all --pid $(pgrep Lightshot) --name Lightshot) "Print"
2020 年 1 月 2 日更新
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原因可能是,我沒有指定要執行的任何 shell,因此以下工作:
sh -c 'xdotool key --window $(xdotool search --limit 1 --all --pid $(pgrep Lightshot) --name Lightshot) "Print"'
#!/bin/sh is_number() { # check if exactly one argument has been passed test "$#" -eq 1 || print_error_and_exit 5 "is_number(): There has not been passed exactly one argument!" # check if the argument is an integer test "$1" -eq "$1" 2>/dev/null } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ print_error_and_exit() { # check if exactly two arguments have been passed test "$#" -eq 2 || print_error_and_exit 3 "print_error_and_exit(): There have not been passed exactly two arguments!" # check if the first argument is a number is_number "$1" || print_error_and_exit 4 "print_error_and_exit(): The argument #1 is not a number!" # check if we have color support if [ -x /usr/bin/tput ] && tput setaf 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 then bold=$(tput bold) red=$(tput setaf 1) nocolor=$(tput sgr0) echo "$bold$red$2 Exit code = $1.$nocolor" 1>&2 else echo "$2 Exit code = $1." 1>&2 fi exit "$1" } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ check_for_prerequisite() { # check if exactly one argument has been passed test "$#" -eq 1 || print_error_and_exit 2 "check_for_prerequisite(): There has not been passed exactly one argument!" # check if the argument is a program which is installed command -v "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 || print_error_and_exit 6 "check_for_prerequisite(): I require $1 but it's not installed :-(" } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # check if no arguments have been passed to the script test "$#" -gt 0 && print_error_and_exit 1 "$0: You have passed some unexpected argument(s) to the script!" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # check for prerequisites check_for_prerequisite "pgrep" check_for_prerequisite "xdotool" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # global constants lightshot_key="Print" lightshot_name="Lightshot" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # get the lightshot pid lightshot_pid=$(pgrep "$lightshot_name") # test if a pid has been successfully acquired is_number "$lightshot_pid" || print_error_and_exit 7 "lightshot_pid: The argument is not a number!\\nLightshot is most probably not running." # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # get the window id from lightshot pid lightshot_wnd=$(xdotool search --limit 1 --all --pid "$lightshot_pid" --name "$lightshot_name") # test if a window handler has been successfully acquired is_number "$lightshot_wnd" || print_error_and_exit 8 "lightshot_wnd: The argument is not a number!\\nLightshot is most probably not running." # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # simulate a print screen key press on the lightshot window xdotool key --window "$lightshot_wnd" "$lightshot_key"