等等)。到目前為止,這幾乎完全符合我的要求:#!/bin/zsh echo "Executing Script" find . -iname '*.jpg' -exec gmv -i --target-directory=$HOME/jpg '{}' + find . -iname '*.png' -exec gmv -i --target-directory=$HOME/png '{}' +
我沒有使用 shell 腳本的經驗,所以這只是我設法拼湊起來的東西。
簡單地在連續的行上發出連續的命令是為 shell 編寫腳本的正確方法嗎?我最初嘗試過這個,
並且涉及到錯誤處理,而且它並不優雅。我正在嘗試在這裡擴展使用者 EvilSoup 的答案。除了我已經提到的之外,我還包括了
mv -i
在目前工作目錄中找到的文件。+1 用於任何 zsh-on-macOS特定的介紹性材料:shell 腳本。
#!/usr/bin/env zsh # announce that the script has started echo "Running sorting script." # the variable "$1" means the first argument to the script, i.e., if # the script is named "mysorter.zsh" if you ran mysorter.zsh ~/tmp # then $1 would be "~/tmp" # I'm assigning that to the variable "argument" argument="$1" # if $argument is blank, I want the script to run in the present # directory; if not, I want to move to that directory first # [[ -n "$argument" ]] means "$argument is not blank" (not length 0) # for other conditions like -n, see # https://zsh.sourceforge.io/Doc/Release/Conditional-Expressions.html if [[ -n "$argument" ]] ; then # [[ -d "$argument" ]] checks if "$argument" is a directory; if it's # not, the command is a mistake and the script should quit # the "!" means "not" if [[ ! -d "$argument" ]] ; then # echo prints text; the ">&2" means print to the standard error # stream, rather than regular output stream, because this is an # error message echo "$argument either does not exist or is not a directory" >&2 # exit quits the script; the number indicates the error code; if # you write "exit 0" that means no error; but this is an error # so I give it a non-zero code exit 1 fi # if we made it here, then "$argument" is indeed a folder, so I # move into it cd "$argument" fi # this is a loop that will be separately processed for all files in # the active directory for file in * ; do # I indent inside the loop to indicate better where the loop starts # and stops # first I check if "$file" is a folder/directory; if it is, # I don't want to do anything; "continue" means cease this cycle # through the loop and move on to the next one if [[ -d "$file" ]] ; then continue fi # what I want to do next depends on the extension of "$file"; # first I will determine what that is # the notatation "${file##*.}" means cut off everything prior to # the final . ; # see https://zsh.sourceforge.io/Doc/Release/Expansion.html#Parameter-Expansion extension="${file##*.}" # i want to treat extensions like JPG and jpg alike, so I will make # the extension lowercase; see the same page above extension="${(L)extension}" # I want to move the file to a folder in $HOME named after the # extension, i.e., $HOME/$extension; first I check if it doesn't # exist yet if [[ ! -d "$HOME/$extension" ]] ; then # since it doesn't exist, I will create it mkdir "$HOME/$extension" fi # by default we want the move target to have the same name # as the original file targetname="$file" # but I may need to add a number to it; see below num=0 # now I want to check if there is already a file in there with # that name already, and keep changing the target filename # while there is while [[ -e "$HOME/$extension/$targetname" ]] ; do # a file with that name already exists; but I still want # to put the file there without overwriting the other one; # I will keep checking numbers to add to the name until I # find one for a file that doesn't exist yet # increase by one let num++ # the new targetname is filename with the extension cut off, # plus "-$num" plus the extension # e.g. "originalfilename-1.zip" targetname="${file%.*}-${num}.${extension}" done # we have now found a safe file name to use for the target, # so we can move the file echo "Moving file $file to $HOME/$extension/$targetname" # here we try to move the file, but if it fails, we # print an error and quit the script with an error if ! mv "$file" "$HOME/$extension/$targetname" ; then echo "Move command failed!" >&2 exit 1 fi # we're now done with this file and can move on to the next one done # done indicates the end of the loop # # if we got here everything was successful and quit with exit code 0 echo "All files successfully sorted." exit 0
顯然,我添加了一些指向https://zsh.sourceforge.io的連結,這是了解有關 zsh 的更多資訊的好資源。
我不會添加任何特定於 mac 的內容,因為您應該嘗試學習不要被任何一個平台束縛,特別是如果您可能預見自己會從專有平台轉向那些開源並真正接受UNIX 哲學的平台。(我正在盡我所能不說教。它有效嗎?)