mosh 是否節省頻寬?
移動外殼聲稱有很多好處,尤其是在移動連接方面。許多移動計劃價格隨傳輸的數據量而變化。所以我想知道我是否可以使用 Mosh 來減少數據使用量。DigitalOcean 上的教程指出
$$ … $$只會將更改傳達給目前可見的螢幕區域。這允許它從根本上減少頻寬$$ … $$
但是沒有給出關於獲得多少頻寬以及這是否真的權衡了通過 UDP 建立和維護連接的額外成本的任何統計數據。
是否有任何測試,在現實場景中將 SSH 與 Mosh 進行比較的經驗,尤其是
- 與screen或tmux一起使用,
- on a mobile connection while moving between different connection modes or cell towers,
- for long-lived sessions?
Mosh will probably increase your data usage. It is designed to increase reliability and responsiveness, or at least the illusion of it.
From this discussion, we know that mosh’s predictive capabilities actually causes an extra packet being sent per keystroke. If you are concerned about metered data usage, you might want to use the
branch of mosh.