

  • October 23, 2020
systemctl list-dependencies postgres

將列出postgres服務的所有依賴項。如何找到服務(或單元或目標)的 所有依賴項?

$ systemctl list-dependencies systemd-sysusers.service --all --reverse
● └─
●   ├─accounts-daemon.service
●   │ └─
●   ├─acpid.path
●   │ └─
●   │   └─
●   │     └─
●   │       └─

man systemctl:

  list-dependencies [UNIT...]
      Shows units required and wanted by the specified units.
      This recursively lists units following the Requires=,
      Requisite=, ConsistsOf=, Wants=, BindsTo= dependencies. If
      no units are specified, is implied.

      By default, only target units are recursively expanded.
      When --all is passed, all other units are recursively
      expanded as well.

      Options --reverse, --after, --before may be used to change
      what types of dependencies are shown.

      Note that this command only lists units currently loaded
      into memory by the service manager. In particular, this
      command is not suitable to get a comprehensive list at all
      reverse dependencies on a specific unit, as it won't list
      the dependencies declared by units currently not loaded.
