
解析 terminfo u6 字元串

  • December 24, 2017

查看terminfoParameterized Strings

一些例子來自infocmp -1 xterm

  • cud=\E[%p1%dB,給定論點13

    • \E=><ESC>
    • [=>[
    • %p1將參數 1 *(13)*推入堆棧
    • %dPOP 並從堆棧列印為有符號十進制 =>13
      • 結果:<ESC>[13B
  • csr=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dr,給定參數13, 16

    • \E=><ESC>
    • [=>[
    • %i遞增參數 1 和 2:++13、++16 給出 14、17
    • %p1將參數 1 *(14)*推入堆棧。
    • %dPOP 並從堆棧列印為帶符號的十進制。=>14
    • ;=>;
    • %p2將參數 2 *(17)*推入堆棧。
    • %dPOP 並從堆棧列印為帶符號的十進制。=>17
    • r=>r
      • 結果:<ESC>14;17r


  • u6=\E[%i%d;%dR

處理後\E[%i,我們<ESC>[增加了參數 1 和 2(如果有)。但是堆棧是空的。不應該%d從堆棧中彈出並列印兩個數字嗎?

沒有**%p標記是 ncurses 的一個怪癖:terminfo 編譯器 ( tic ) 可以辨識 terminfo(用於%p1標記參數)或 termcap(依賴於參數的約定)。那將是一個合法的termcap表達式。由於tic**知道如何處理 termcap 表達式,因此顯示的字元串“足夠接近”,無需進一步翻譯。

您可以使用 來查看 ncurses 的作用tput,例如,

tput u6 40 50






u6-u9 功能是ncurses終端數據庫中記錄的早期擴展

# The System V Release 4 and XPG4 terminfo format defines ten string
# capabilities for use by applications, <u0>...<u9>.   In this file, we use
# certain of these capabilities to describe functions which are not covered
# by terminfo.  The mapping is as follows:
#       u9      terminal enquire string (equiv. to ANSI/ECMA-48 DA)
#       u8      terminal answerback description
#       u7      cursor position request (equiv. to VT100/ANSI/ECMA-48 DSR 6)
#       u6      cursor position report (equiv. to ANSI/ECMA-48 CPR)
# The terminal enquire string <u9> should elicit an answerback response
# from the terminal.  Common values for <u9> will be ^E (on older ASCII
# terminals) or \E[c (on newer VT100/ANSI/ECMA-48-compatible terminals).
# The cursor position request (<u7>) string should elicit a cursor position
# report.  A typical value (for VT100 terminals) is \E[6n.
# The terminal answerback description (u8) must consist of an expected
# answerback string.  The string may contain the following scanf(3)-like
# escapes:
#       %c      Accept any character
#       %[...]  Accept any number of characters in the given set
# The cursor position report (<u6>) string must contain two scanf(3)-style
# %d format elements.  The first of these must correspond to the Y coordinate
# and the second to the %d.  If the string contains the sequence %i, it is
# taken as an instruction to decrement each value after reading it (this is
# the inverse sense from the cup string).  The typical CPR value is
# \E[%i%d;%dR (on VT100/ANSI/ECMA-48-compatible terminals).
# These capabilities are used by tack(1m), the terminfo action checker
# (distributed with ncurses 5.0).

檢查最後一條評論,進行練習u8u9對 and 沒有任何u6作用u7

該擴展是在 1995 年初添加的:

# 9.3.4 (Wed Feb 22 19:27:34 EST 1995):
#       * Added correct acsc/smacs/rmacs strings for vt100 and xterm.
#       * Added u6/u7/u8/u9 capabilities.
#       * Added PCVT entry.

雖然它包含在幾個條目中以保持完整性(不多:在 18,699 行中出現了 16 次terminfo.src),但該功能沒有知名使用者。事實上,在 ncurses 中有一個地方可以編寫它來使用它(tty_update.c文件中的一些 ifdef 調試程式碼),但它使用硬編碼的轉義序列(標記為“ANSI 兼容”)。


  • 反轉任意 terminfo 表達式比看起來更難
  • xterm 和類似的終端解釋這些轉義序列

ECMA-48中,這些是 (u7) DSR(設備狀態報告)和 (u6) CPR(活動位置報告)。
