grep + 正則表達式匹配位於最後一個單詞之前的單詞
我想擷取最後一個單詞之前有 (XXXX) 單詞的所有行
而 xxxxx - 是數字
/opt/OV/bin/opcagt -status scopeux Perf Agent data collector (5102) Running midaemon Measurement Interface daemon (5110) Running ttd ARM registration daemon Running perfalarm Alarm generator (5111) Running agtrep OV Discovery Agent AGENT,AgtRep (5520) Running coda OV Performance Core COREXT (5529) Running opcacta OVO Action Agent AGENT,EA (5427) Running opcle OVO Logfile Encapsulator AGENT,EA (5443) Running opcmona OVO Monitor Agent AGENT,EA Running opcmsga OVO Message Agent AGENT,EA (5435) Running opcmsgi OVO Message Interceptor AGENT,EA (5553) Running ovbbccb OV Communication Broker CORE (5352) Running ovcd OV Control CORE (5344) Running ovconfd OV Config and Deploy COREXT (5383) Running
/opt/OV/bin/opcagt -status | grep [0-9]
但是這個 grep 語法不能擷取最後一個單詞之前的單詞
scopeux Perf Agent data collector (5102) Running midaemon Measurement Interface daemon (5110) Running perfalarm Alarm generator (5111) Running agtrep OV Discovery Agent AGENT,AgtRep (5520) Running coda OV Performance Core COREXT (5529) Running opcacta OVO Action Agent AGENT,EA (5427) Running opcle OVO Logfile Encapsulator AGENT,EA (5443) Running opcmsga OVO Message Agent AGENT,EA (5435) Running opcmsgi OVO Message Interceptor AGENT,EA (5553) Running ovbbccb OV Communication Broker CORE (5352) Running ovcd OV Control CORE (5344) Running ovconfd OV Config and Deploy COREXT (5383) Running
/opt/OV/bin/opcagt -status | awk 'NF>2 && $(NF-1) ~ /\([0-9]*\)/ '
要求 awk 進行模式匹配/\([0-0]*\)/
(您可以使用$$ 0-9 $$$$ 0-9 $$* 至少有一個。- 預設操作是列印。
的行grep -E '\([0-9]{4}\)\s*\w+$'