aa.com,,string1 string2 K=12 K2=23 K3=45 K4=56 bb.com,,string1 string2 K=66 K2=77 K3=88 K4=99
我想取第三列,其中包含用空格分隔的字元串。我想處理文件以用逗號分隔第三列的前兩個字元串,並忽略第 3 列中的其餘字元串。前兩個欄位不包含空格。請注意,第 3 列中的字元串數量並非對所有記錄都是固定的。在此範例中,它是由 5 個空格分隔的 6 個字元串。但它可以或多或少。
我所需要的只是取第 3 列的前兩個字元串,用逗號分隔它們,然後忽略第 3 列的其餘字元串。
aa.com,,string1,string2 bb.com,,string1,string2
awk '{print $1, $2}' OFS=, infile aa.com,,string1,string2 bb.com,,string1,string2
awk -F, '{ match($3, /[^ ]* +[^ ]*/); bkup=substr($3, RSTART, RLENGTH); gsub(/ +/, ",", bkup); # replace spaces with comma print $1, $2, bkup }' OFS=, infile
:match(s, r [, a]) Return the position in s where the regular expression r occurs, or 0 if r is not present, and set the values of RSTART and RLENGTH. (...) substr(s, i [, n]) Return the at most n-character substring of s starting at I. If n is omitted, use the rest of s. RSTART The index of the first character matched by match(); 0 if no match. (This implies that character indices start at one.) RLENGTH The length of the string matched by match(); -1 if no match.