

  • March 25, 2021


 292G.- La Ilíada (tomo I) ; Collection one (volume 3) ; Homer ; http://www.ataun.eus/BIBLIOTECAGRATUITA/Cl%C3%A1sicos%20en%20Espa%C3%B1ol/Homero/Iliada.pdf
 - I have to download more ancient greek texts.
 - Another note line.

 293G.- El Ingenioso Hidalgo "Don Quijote" De La Mancha ; Collection one (volume 1) ; Miguel de Cervantes ; http://www.daemcopiapo.cl/Biblioteca/Archivos/7_6253.pdf
 - Masterpiece.

 294G.- Crimen y castigo ; Collection one (volume 4) ; Fiódor Dostoyevski ; http://www.ataun.eus/BIBLIOTECAGRATUITA/Cl%C3%A1sicos%20en%20Espa%C3%B1ol/Fedor%20Dostoiewski/Crimen%20y%20castigo.pdf
 - Russian masterpiece.

 295G.- La isla del tesoro ; Collection one (volume 2) ; Robert Louis Stevenson ; https://www.biblioteca.org.ar/libros/130864.pdf
 - I read this one as a kid.

從位置 292G 開始,繼續收集超過 100 卷的 Collection one。我希望這 100 卷按卷號排序(可以在第二個欄位中找到)。預期的輸出是:

 292G.- El Ingenioso Hidalgo "Don Quijote" De La Mancha ; Collection one (volume 1) ; Miguel de Cervantes ; http://www.daemcopiapo.cl/Biblioteca/Archivos/7_6253.pdf
 - Masterpiece.

 293G.- La isla del tesoro ; Collection one (volume 2) ; Robert Louis Stevenson ; https://www.biblioteca.org.ar/libros/130864.pdf
 - I read this one as a kid.

 294G.- La Ilíada (tomo I) ; Collection one (volume 3) ; Homer ; http://www.ataun.eus/BIBLIOTECAGRATUITA/Cl%C3%A1sicos%20en%20Espa%C3%B1ol/Homero/Iliada.pdf
 - I have to download more ancient greek texts.
 - Another note line.

 295G.- Crimen y castigo ; Collection one (volume 4) ; Fiódor Dostoyevski ; http://www.ataun.eus/BIBLIOTECAGRATUITA/Cl%C3%A1sicos%20en%20Espa%C3%B1ol/Fedor%20Dostoiewski/Crimen%20y%20castigo.pdf
 - Russian masterpiece.

請注意,標題可以包含字元和字元串,例如", (, ),但不能包含;(它們僅用作分隔符)。我想sort這裡有答案,但這超出了我的菜鳥技能。

這(使用 GNU awk 將第三個參數用於match()gensub()sorted_inFPAT)只會對您想要的部分進行排序(即序列號為“292”或更大的集合“one”),可以處理包含任何字元或字元串的標題包括;, (,)(volume <N>), 並將在未排序的周圍部分中的原始位置輸出已排序的部分:

$ cat tst.awk
   RS = ""
   ORS = "\n\n"
   FPAT = "[^;]*(\"[^\"]*\")*[^;]*"
   tgtColl = "one"
   begSeqNr = 292
   maxSeqs = 100
match($2,/Collection (.*) \(volume ([0-9]+))/,a) {
   coll  = a[1]
   volNr = a[2]
   seqNr = $1+0
(coll == tgtColl) && (seqNr >= begSeqNr) && (++seqCnt <= maxSeqs) {
   vols[volNr] = $0
END { prtVols() }

function prtVols(       volNr, seqNr, vol) {
   PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = "@ind_num_asc"
   seqNr = begSeqNr
   for (volNr in vols) {
       vol = vols[volNr]
       print vol
   delete vols


$ cat file
 100G.- some earlier collection ; Collection zero (volume 1) ; Robert Louis Stevenson ; https://www.biblioteca.org.ar/libros/130864.pdf
 - TEST earlier collection ID

 200G.- right collection, too early sequence number; Collection one (volume 6) ; Homer ; http://www.ataun.eus/BIBLIOTECAGRATUITA/Cl%C3%A1sicos%20en%20Espa%C3%B1ol/Homero/Iliada.pdf
 - TEST earlier sequence number

 292G.- La Ilíada ; Collection one (volume 3) ; Homer ; http://www.ataun.eus/BIBLIOTECAGRATUITA/Cl%C3%A1sicos%20en%20Espa%C3%B1ol/Homero/Iliada.pdf
 - I have to download more ancient greek texts.
 - Another note line.

 293G.- El Quijote ; Collection one (volume 1) ; Miguel de Cervantes ; http://www.daemcopiapo.cl/Biblioteca/Archivos/7_6253.pdf
 - Masterpiece.

 294G.- Crimen y castigo ; Collection one (volume 4) ; Fiódor Dostoyevski ; http://www.ataun.eus/BIBLIOTECAGRATUITA/Cl%C3%A1sicos%20en%20Espa%C3%B1ol/Fedor%20Dostoiewski/Crimen%20y%20castigo.pdf
 - Russian masterpiece.

 295G.- "Kill Bill; Bury Him (volume 2)" ; Collection one (volume 5) ; Tarantino ; https://www.biblioteca.org.ar/libros/130864.pdf
 - TEST quoted title with sparator chars and target string

 296G.- La isla del tesoro ; Collection one (volume 2) ; Robert Louis Stevenson ; https://www.biblioteca.org.ar/libros/130864.pdf
 - I read this one as a kid.

 300G.- some later collection ; Collection twenty-three (volume 2) ; Robert Louis Stevenson ; https://www.biblioteca.org.ar/libros/130864.pdf
 - TEST later collecion ID


$ awk -f tst.awk file
 100G.- some earlier collection ; Collection zero (volume 1) ; Robert Louis Stevenson ; https://www.biblioteca.org.ar/libros/130864.pdf
 - TEST earlier collection ID

 200G.- right collection, too early sequence number; Collection one (volume 6) ; Homer ; http://www.ataun.eus/BIBLIOTECAGRATUITA/Cl%C3%A1sicos%20en%20Espa%C3%B1ol/Homero/Iliada.pdf
 - TEST earlier sequence number

 292G.- El Quijote ; Collection one (volume 1) ; Miguel de Cervantes ; http://www.daemcopiapo.cl/Biblioteca/Archivos/7_6253.pdf
 - Masterpiece.

 293G.- La isla del tesoro ; Collection one (volume 2) ; Robert Louis Stevenson ; https://www.biblioteca.org.ar/libros/130864.pdf
 - I read this one as a kid.

 294G.- La Ilíada ; Collection one (volume 3) ; Homer ; http://www.ataun.eus/BIBLIOTECAGRATUITA/Cl%C3%A1sicos%20en%20Espa%C3%B1ol/Homero/Iliada.pdf
 - I have to download more ancient greek texts.
 - Another note line.

 295G.- Crimen y castigo ; Collection one (volume 4) ; Fiódor Dostoyevski ; http://www.ataun.eus/BIBLIOTECAGRATUITA/Cl%C3%A1sicos%20en%20Espa%C3%B1ol/Fedor%20Dostoiewski/Crimen%20y%20castigo.pdf
 - Russian masterpiece.

 296G.- "Kill Bill; Bury Him (volume 2)" ; Collection one (volume 5) ; Tarantino ; https://www.biblioteca.org.ar/libros/130864.pdf
 - TEST quoted title with sparator chars and target string

 300G.- some later collection ; Collection twenty-three (volume 2) ; Robert Louis Stevenson ; https://www.biblioteca.org.ar/libros/130864.pdf
 - TEST later collecion ID

由於它是欄位分隔符,;因此標題中出現的任何內容都必須在雙引號內,無論是單獨引用Kill Bill";" Bury Him還是作為上面範例中整個引用標題的一部分,標題中的其他字元或字元串都不需要任何特殊處理。

如果你真的想要所有的集合one,而不僅僅是從一個序列號開始,反之亦然,這是一個非常微不足道的調整,很明顯只是不測試一個或另一個,同樣,如果你希望所有集合從給定開始排序,begSeqNr而不是其中只有 100 個,然後不包含 的文本seqCnt,如果您不想列印周圍的集合/序列,那麼只需擺脫獨立print語句。

您沒有指定明確的語言要求,所以這裡是 python 3.8 中的一個骯髒的解決方案。我相信其他人可以想出更好的方法,但這應該足夠了。

該程式碼假定文本位於目前目錄中名為 list.txt 的文件中,並將創建一個名為 new-list.txt 的新文件

它也不處理“-La isla del tesoro”中的缺失空間

import re

booklist = []
bookcount = 0
entry = ''
line_numbers = []

# Find and return the volume number for a book
def get_volnum(book):
       volstring = ''
       volstring = re.search('\\(volume (\d+)\\)', book)
       volnum = volstring.group(1)
       return volnum

# Read file and put in doc variable
doc = open('list.txt', 'r').readlines()

# Group each book in a single string and append in a booklist
for line in doc:
   # if line begins with three decimals followed by 'G.', put line in a new entry. 
   if re.match("(\d\d\d)G.*", line): 
       #read the line number and append to a list
       # Add previous entry to booklist (without the three decimals and G.)
       if bookcount > 0:

       entry = line
       bookcount +=1
   # If line begins with a '- ', concatenate the line into the current entry.
   if line.startswith('- '):
       entry += line

#Append last line
# Make a list (booktable) that contains [volnum, book]
booktable = []
[booktable.append([get_volnum(book), book]) for book in booklist]

# Sort that list by volnum (index 0 of each list item of booktable)
booktable.sort(key=lambda x: int(x[0]))


# Write result to file
f = open("new-list.txt", "w")
for b in booktable:
   f.write(line_numbers.pop(0) + 'G.' + b[1])

