在 Top 程序中,程序處於狀態 I 意味著什麼?
我正在使用 procps-ng 包中的 Top,版本 3.3.12。手冊頁省略了 I 狀態代表的內容
28. S -- Process Status The status of the task which can be one of: D = uninterruptible sleep R = running S = sleeping T = stopped by job control signal t = stopped by debugger during trace Z = zombie
switch (this->state) { case 'R': Frame_running++; break; case 't': // 't' (tracing stop) case 'T': Frame_stopped++; break; case 'Z': Frame_zombied++; break; default: /* currently: 'D' (disk sleep), 'I' (idle), 'P' (parked), 'S' (sleeping), 'X' (dead - actually 'dying' & probably never seen) */ Frame_sleepin++; break; }