gnuclad 不會更改開始日期
用來創建一棵樹。問題是我無法更改開始日期。我正在使用預設範例中的以下數據。#,Nodes,,,,,,,,,,,,, #,Name,Color,Parent,Start,Stop,Icon,Description,[Namechange,When,Description,[Namechange,When,Description,". . . ]]" N,Name here,#f00,,2002/12/01,2007/08/20,,,,,,,,,
是預設的:# gnuclad example config file # gnuclad has more than 50 configuration options, of # which only a few are listed here. # For a detailed explanation, consult the included manual. # You can always generate a full configuration file by # specifying CONF as gnuclad's output. # If you comment or delete an option, # gnuclad will use the built-in defaults. # Allowed syntax is: # option=value # option = value # option= 'value' # option ="value" # option = three word value # option = "three word value" # ... infoBoxTitle = Title infoBoxText = Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, infoBoxText = consectetuer adipiscing elit infoBoxX = 10 infoBoxY = 45 infoBoxWidth = 166 infoBoxHeight = 60 # use ascii string width heuristics asciiStrings = 1 # orientation goes from 0 to 3 orientation = 0 #treemode goes from 0 to 2 treeMode = 0 mainBackground = #fff rulerWidth = 2 rulerColor = #ddd rulerMonthWidth = 1 rulerMonthColor = #eaeaea lineWidth = 4 offsetPX = 20 yearPX = 100 labelFontColor = #000 labelBGOpacity = 50 #nameChangeType can be 0 or 1 nameChangeType = 0 #derivType can be 0 or 1 derivType = 0 dotRadius = 10 smallDotRadius = 5 descriptionType = 1
在這裡我發現了問題。插入日期的正確方法是使用點,例如 2012.03.10 而不是斜線。問題是使用 Gnumeric 來編輯 CSV 文件。