
成為所有頻道的運營商 ircd-hybrid

  • November 22, 2016



operator {
   /* name: the name of the oper */
   name = "operator";

   /* user: the user@host required for this operator.  CIDR is not
    * supported.  multiple user="" lines are supported.
   user = "*@";

   /* password: the password required to oper.  By default this will
    * need to be encrypted using '/usr/bin/mkpasswd'.
    * WARNING: Please do not mix up the 'mkpasswd' program from 
    * /usr/sbin with this one. If you are root, typing 'mkpasswd' 
    * will run that one instead and you will receive a strange error.
    * MD5 is supported. If you want to use it, use mkpasswd -Hmd5.
   #password = "3ZokNTld506nY";
   password = "$1$oqD3q/0S$wQ1utcJG9Pcutmq6i3qxS.";

   /* class: the class the oper joins when they successfully /oper */
   class = "opers";

   /* privileges: controls the activities and commands an oper are 
    * allowed to do on the server.  All options default to no.
    * Available options:
    * global_kill:  allows remote users to be /KILL'd (OLD 'O' flag)
    * remote:       allows remote SQUIT and CONNECT   (OLD 'R' flag)
    * kline:        allows KILL, KLINE and DLINE      (OLD 'K' flag)
    * unkline:      allows UNKLINE and UNDLINE        (OLD 'U' flag)
    * gline:        allows GLINE                      (OLD 'G' flag)
    * nick_changes: allows oper to see nickchanges    (OLD 'N' flag)
    *               via usermode +n
    * rehash:       allows oper to REHASH config      (OLD 'H' flag)
    * die:          allows DIE and RESTART            (OLD 'D' flag)
    * admin:        gives admin privileges.  admins
    *               may (un)load modules and see the
    *               real IPs of servers.
   global_kill = yes;
   remote = yes;
   kline = yes;
   unkline = yes;
   gline = yes;
   die = yes;
   rehash = yes;
   nick_changes = yes;
   admin = yes;


  • 連接到您的 IRC 伺服器。

  • 獲取操作員權限:

    • /oper 運算符
    • 輸入您的密碼
    • IRC 伺服器顯示文本“你已進入……暮光地帶!”
  • /quote MODLOAD m_opme.so

    • 伺服器上的這個載入模組“OPME”
  • /quote opme #頻道

    • 現在您在#channel 中擁有操作員權限

Debian Jessie(也可能是 Ubuntu)中的 ircd-hybrid 軟體包不包含 opme 模組。

Debian Stretch 中的版本可以,但在 /usr/lib/ircd-hybrid/modules/extra 中。您應該在 ircd.conf 的模組部分中添加此路徑。

您還應該在 ircd.conf 的 operator 部分添加 opme 標誌,並重新載入/重新啟動守護程序。


/oper yourusername yourpassword
/quote MODULE LOAD m_opme.la
/quote opme #channel
