我使用的是 Ubuntu,但我將 i3 作為我的視窗管理器而不是桌面環境。
當我的電池電量達到 0% 時,電腦將突然關閉,沒有任何警告或任何東西。
有沒有我可以設置的簡單腳本或配置,讓它在電池電量為 4% 時進入睡眠狀態?
以防電池電量低於某個門檻值。#!/bin/sh ########################################################################### # # Usage: system-low-battery # # Checks if the battery level is low. If “low_threshold” is exceeded # a system notification is displayed, if “critical_threshold” is exceeded # a popup window is displayed as well. If “OK” is pressed, the system # shuts down after “timeout” seconds. If “Cancel” is pressed the script # does nothing. # # This script is supposed to be called from a cron job. # ########################################################################### # This is required because the script is invoked by cron. Dbus information # is stored in a file by the following script when a user logs in. Connect # it to your autostart mechanism of choice. # # #!/bin/sh # touch $HOME/.dbus/Xdbus # chmod 600 $HOME/.dbus/Xdbus # env | grep DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS > $HOME/.dbus/Xdbus # echo 'export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS' >> $HOME/.dbus/Xdbus # exit 0 # if [ -r ~/.dbus/Xdbus ]; then source ~/.dbus/Xdbus fi low_threshold=10 critical_threshold=4 timeout=59 shutdown_cmd='/usr/sbin/pm-hibernate' level=$(cat /sys/devices/platform/smapi/BAT0/remaining_percent) state=$(cat /sys/devices/platform/smapi/BAT0/state) if [ x"$state" != x'discharging' ]; then exit 0 fi do_shutdown() { sleep $timeout && kill $zenity_pid 2>/dev/null if [ x"$state" != x'discharging' ]; then exit 0 else $shutdown_cmd fi } if [ "$level" -gt $critical_threshold ] && [ "$level" -lt $low_threshold ]; then notify-send "Battery level is low: $level%" fi if [ "$level" -lt $critical_threshold ]; then notify-send -u critical -t 20000 "Battery level is low: $level%" \ 'The system is going to shut down in 1 minute.' DISPLAY=:0 zenity --question --ok-label 'OK' --cancel-label 'Cancel' \ --text "Battery level is low: $level%.\n\n The system is going to shut down in 1 minute." & zenity_pid=$! do_shutdown & shutdown_pid=$! trap 'kill $shutdown_pid' 1 if ! wait $zenity_pid; then kill $shutdown_pid 2>/dev/null fi fi exit 0
acpi | cut -f2 -d,
的東西來獲取電池電量。該腳本可以由 cron 安排為每分鐘執行一次。編輯您的 crontabcrontab -e
並添加腳本:*/1 * * * * /home/me/usr/bin/low-battery-shutdown
另一種解決方案是安裝像 Gnome 或 Xfce 這樣的桌面環境(並將視窗管理器更改為 i3)。兩個提到的 destop 環境都具有電源管理守護程序,負責關閉電腦電源。但我假設您故意不使用它們並且正在尋求更簡約的解決方案。