.screenrc 中的螢幕佈局操作不起作用
(v4.03.01) 一段時間了,真的很喜歡它。我已經對我.screenrc
的 . 如果我source ~/.screenrc
,他們會接受並且我的佈局會更改為我想要的。值得注意的是,我以與所屬crontab @reboot
:startup_message off altscreen on bell_msg "Window % wants your attention!^G" vbell off sorendition "= KW" caption string "%{KW}" defscrollback 5000 # backtick 0: get cpu usage backtick 0 0 0 sh $HOME/.screenrc.cpu # backtick 1: get ram usage backtick 1 1 1 $HOME/.screenrc.ram hardstatus alwayslastline hardstatus string "%{= Kk}[ %{= KW}%H%{-} ] CPU: %{= KW}%0` %{-}RAM: %{= KW}%1` %{-}< %L=%-w%40L>%{= wk}%n %t%{-}%+w%-21= > [ %{= KW}%0c%{-} | %{= KW}%0d %M%{-} ]" # %{= Kk} : set colors to black on bright black # [ : literal # %{= KW} : set colors to bright white on bright black # %H : hostname # %{-} : reset colors to previous (black on bright black) # ] CPU: : literal # %{= KW} : set colors to bright white on bright black # %0` : execute backtick 0: cpu usage # %{-} : reset colors to previous (black on bright black) # RAM: : literal # %{= KW} : set colors to bright white on bright black # %1` : execute backtick 1: ram usage # %{-} : reset colors to previous (black on bright black) # < : literal # %L= : padding anchor: prevents truncation of previous # %-w : previous windows # %40L> : padding anchor: next element is at 40% of the space between previous and next anchors # %{= wk} : set colors to black on white # %n : window number # %t : window title # %{-} : reset colors to previous (black on bright black) # %+w : next windows # %-21= : padding anchor: next character is 21 characters from the right of the screen # > [ : literal # %{= KW} : set colors to bright white on bright black # %c : time (24h) # %{-} : reset colors to previous (black on bright black) # | : literal # %{= KW} : set colors to bright white on bright black # %d : day of month # %M : three-letter month # %{-} : reset colors to previous (black on bright black) # ] : literal # bind function keys (f1-f10) to window bindkey "^[OP" select 0 bindkey "^[OQ" select 1 bindkey "^[OR" select 2 bindkey "^[OS" select 3 bindkey "^[[15~" select 4 bindkey "^[[17~" select 5 bindkey "^[[18~" select 6 bindkey "^[[19~" select 7 bindkey "^[[20~" select 8 bindkey "^[[21~" select 9 bindkey "^[[1;5D" prev # ctrl-left to switch to previous window bindkey "^[[1;5C" next # ctrl-right to switch to next window bindkey "^[[1;5B" focus # ctrl-down to switch to next region bind = resize +1 #ctrl-= to embiggen region bind - resize -1 #ctrl-- to shrink region screen -t shell 0 bash screen -t shell 1 bash screen -t shell 2 bash screen -t shell 3 bash screen -t shell 4 bash screen -t shell 5 bash screen -t root 6 su - screen -t something1 7 bash screen -t something2 8 bash screen -t something3 9 bash #layout stuff layout new default layout autosave on split -v resize 60% split -h resize 15% select 7 focus down select 0 focus right split -h select 8 focus down select 9 focus left focus up layout save default layout attach default layout select default
命令系列似乎依賴於控制終端(必須存在 TTY 或 PTS 才能使命令工作)。我可以在不經歷的情況下複製問題crontab
:layout new lay1 split -v layout new lay2 split -v layout attach lay2
screen -dm && screen -r
在最後一個命令中,我仍然可以使用 列出佈局
:layout show
,但是該死的,現在是錯誤變得令人討厭的時候了。如果我嘗試更改佈局(使用:layout next
or:layout prev
我係統上的二進製文件是 SUID root(我需要多使用者支持),因此錯誤變得更糟。一旦使用者程序被殺死,根程序就會開始無限循環並最終崩潰。使 SUID 程序崩潰的可能性,或者甚至只是創建多個根程序以無限循環吸取 CPU 資源的能力,都是非常危險的。我已經在您的螢幕版本(4.3.0)以及仍然存在錯誤的 4.5.0(最新版本)上對其進行了測試。我正在編譯原始碼
並將錯誤報告給 screen 的開發團隊。-DDEBUG
螢幕失敗並顯示:ASSERT(l->l_cvlist != cv) failed file canvas.c line 294
:bind g eval 'layout new default' 'split -v' 'resize 60%' 'split -h' 'layout select default'
. 然後,您可以在進入螢幕 (Ctrl
) 後通過單次(以及雙次)擊鍵獲得您的佈局。