
rasdaemon 在哪裡記錄它的日誌?

  • August 30, 2019

/var/log/syslog 包含:

Jul 31 13:45:01 ray-desktop CRON[5667]: (root) CMD (command -v debian-sa1 > /dev/null && debian-sa1 1 1)
Jul 31 13:45:50 ray-desktop org.gnome.Shell.desktop[1689]: [2036:2054:0731/134550.778035:ERROR:socket_stream.cc(219)] Closing stream with result -2
Jul 31 13:47:51 ray-desktop rasdaemon[695]:            <...>-35    [-41071872]     0.001327: mce_record:           2019-07-31 12:27:04 -0400 bank=8, status= 8c2001000001110b, corrected filtering (some unreported errors in same region) Generic CACHE Level-3 Generic Error, mci=Corrected_error Threshold based error status: green, mca=corrected filtering (some unreported errors in same region) Generic CACHE Level-3 Generic Error Large number of corrected cache errors. System operating, but might leadto uncorrected errors soon, cpu_type= Intel generic architectural MCA, cpu= 0, socketid= 0, misc= 31c0, addr= 2cee80000075b7d, mcgstatus=0, mcgcap= c09, apicid= 0
Jul 31 13:47:51 ray-desktop kernel: [18114.699831] mce: [Hardware Error]: Machine check events logged
Jul 31 13:47:51 ray-desktop rasdaemon[695]: cpu 00:rasdaemon: mce_record store: 0x556ec46df398
Jul 31 13:47:51 ray-desktop rasdaemon[695]: rasdaemon: register inserted at db
Jul 31 13:48:22 ray-desktop kernel: [18145.544922] perf: interrupt took too long (5187 > 5062), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 38500

緊隨其後的是 13:55:53 的重啟日誌。


$ find /sys/kernel/debug/tracing  -type f  \! -empty


該目錄中有超過 22,000 個文件,都是空的,並且都是在重新啟動時創建的。

這是 rasdaemon 保存其資訊的地方嗎?如果是,如果重新啟動後全部歸零,它有什麼用?


如果rasdaemon以參數-r/--record開頭,它將事件儲存在 Sqlite3 數據庫中,在我的系統上位於/var/lib/rasdaemon/ras-mc_event.db. 這個數據庫可以用ras-mc-ctl --errors.
