neovim:寫 ^I 而不是製表符
,但效果不佳,所以我決定使用Plug將其刪除。解除安裝後是 nvim 寫入^I
而不是選項卡。我該如何解決?這是我的 init.vim 和問題的展示:
" PLUGINS call plug#begin() ^IPlug 'vim-airline/vim-airline' ^IPlug 'vim-airline/vim-airline-themes' ^IPlug 'SirVer/ultisnips' ^IPlug 'honza/vim-snippets' call plug#end() " TABS set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4^I" set tab size to 4 spaces set autoindent smartindent ^I" make intending a bit more clever filetype plugin indent on " UI set cursorline ^I^I^I" highlight the current line set nu ^I^I^I^I^I^I" line numbering " set signcolumn=numbers^I^I" merge number and signs in to one column set scrolloff=4^I^I^I^I" show at least 4 lines above or below set list!^I^I^I^I^I" visualize tabs "set listchars=tab:>-^I^I" set tabs to >--- a set listchars=trail:~" ^I^I" trail spaces to ~ " CODING syntax on^I^I^I^I^I" highlight syntax set colorcolumn=88 ^I^I" ruler python convention " EDITOR BEHAVIOR "set nowrap ^I^I^I" disable word wrapping set linebreak ^I^I^I" break on words only if wrap is enabled set breakindent ^I^I^I" indent broken lines only if wrap is enabled nnoremap j gj nnoremap k gk " PERFORMANCE AND SECURITY set lazyredraw ^I^I^I" redraw only when it is necessary set ttimeoutlen=0 ^I^I^I" set delay after exiting visual mode to 0 set autoread ^I^I^I^I" automatically read files when reloaded outside Nvim set autochdir ^I^I^I^I" automatically change directory to current file set undofile^I^I^I^I" undo backup " COMMANDS set showcmd ^I^I^I^I" shows last issued command set wildmenu ^I^I^I^I" show command suggestions " SPELL CHECKING command Sc :set spell spelllang=cz,en_us command Sccz :set spell spelllang=cz command Scen :set spell spelllang=en_us command Scno :set nospell
set list!^I^I^I^I^I" visualize tabs
選項。要關閉目前會話中選項卡的視覺化,請以:set nolist