
使用 vimdiff 複製更改的推薦方法是什麼?

  • August 25, 2017

在比較文件和更新原始碼儲存庫時,我喜歡使用 vimdiff。要將更改從一個文件複製到另一個文件,我通常使用如下鍵序列:-

Shift + V (select line)
k or j; { or }; Up or down arrow keys (select more lines)
y  (copy selected lines)
Ctrl + w, left/right arrow (move to other pane)
p (paste lines)

Vim 作為鍵盤快捷鍵的大師,當然應該有更簡單的方法來執行相同的任務。有嗎?您使用什麼來手動更新原始碼更改?

do(diff gain) 和dp(diff put) 是你需要的。以下是在此上下文中其他有用的正常模式命令的小列表。

]c               - advance to the next block with differences
[c               - reverse search for the previous block with differences
do (diff obtain) - bring changes from the other file to the current file
dp (diff put)    - send changes from the current file to the other file
zo               - unfold/unhide text
zc               - refold/rehide text
zr               - unfold both files completely
zm               - fold both files completely



  • :'<,'>diffget
  • :'<,'>diffput.

另請參閱:h copy-diffs

