為什麼 wget -r 不獲取所有 FTP 子目錄?
wget -r ftp://user:paswword@ftp.xxxx.ovh.net/
它缺少任何子子目錄。遞歸 FTP 有限制嗎?
你得到了多少級?如果需要超過 5 個,則需要提供
選項。男人 wget
-r --recursive Turn on recursive retrieving. The default maximum depth is 5. -l depth --level=depth Specify recursion maximum depth level depth. -m --mirror Turn on options suitable for mirroring. This option turns on recursion and time-stamping, sets infinite recursion depth and keeps FTP directory listings. It is currently equivalent to ‘-r -N -l inf --no-remove-listing’.
wget 的 -m 選項是無限遞歸
-m --mirror Turn on options suitable for mirroring. This option turns on recursion and time-stamping, sets infinite recursion depth and keeps FTP directory listings. It is currently equivalent to ‘-r -N -l inf --no-remove-listing’.