
在聯想 Ideapad 中使用 xorg

  • December 26, 2018

我有一個 Lenovo Ideapad 100S 14’’ IBR-14’’ Intel Celeron CPU N3060 @ 1.60GHz,32GB SSD,4GB RAM,基於 Broadwell 晶片組,執行 OpenBSD 6.1。

我一直在嘗試配置 xorg,但沒有成功。無論是通過配置預設啟動,還是定義英特爾驅動程序,我都會收到以下錯誤:

Fatal server error:
(EE) no screens found(EE)

/var/log/Xorg.0.log還表明它似乎嘗試了以下驅動程序/模組:glx、intel、vesa 和 vbe。

另請參閱在 Lenovo Ideapad 中使用本機 1366 x 768 解析度中xorg有關此錯誤的相關 FreeBSD 問題

如何使用 X?

為了成功執行 X,我最終使用了wsfb幀緩衝區 OpenBSD 驅動程序。


Section "Device"
   Identifier "Card0"
   Driver "wsfb"

來自man wsfb

wsfb is an XFree86 driver for the OpenBSD wsdisplay frame-
 buffer devices. This is a non-accelerated driver. The fol-
 lowing framebuffer depths are supported: 1, 8, 16 and 24,
 given that the wsdisplay device underneath supports them.
 A StaticGray monochrome visual is provided for depth 1, all
 visual types are supported for depth  8 and a TrueColor
 visual is supported for the other depths. Multi-head confi-
 gurations are supported.
