
在 youtube-dl 上僅下載格式 mp4

  • March 31, 2021

如何使用 download-dl 通過 url 播放列表僅格式 mp4 而不是格式.mkv或格式下載影片.webm

我使用此命令下載影片:youtube-dl -itcv --yes-playlist



youtube-dl -F url


youtube-dl -f 11 url 


youtube-dl -F


[youtube] Setting language
[youtube] 3JZ_D3ELwOQ: Downloading webpage
[youtube] 3JZ_D3ELwOQ: Downloading video info webpage
[youtube] 3JZ_D3ELwOQ: Extracting video information
[info] Available formats for 3JZ_D3ELwOQ:
format code extension resolution  note 
171         webm      audio only  DASH webm audio , audio@ 48k (worst)
140         m4a       audio only  DASH audio , audio@128k
160         mp4       192p        DASH video 
133         mp4       240p        DASH video 
134         mp4       360p        DASH video 
135         mp4       480p        DASH video 
136         mp4       720p        DASH video 
137         mp4       1080p       DASH video 
17          3gp       176x144     
36          3gp       320x240     
5           flv       400x240     
43          webm      640x360     
18          mp4       640x360     
22          mp4       1280x720    (best)


youtube-dl -f 22

要獲得最佳影片質量(1080p DASH - 格式“137”)和最佳音頻質量(DASH 音頻 - 格式“140”),您必須使用以下命令:

youtube-dl -f 137+140




--playlist-start NUMBER          Playlist video to start at (default is 1)
--playlist-end NUMBER            Playlist video to end at (default is last)
--playlist-items ITEM_SPEC       Playlist video items to download. Specify
                            indices of the videos in the playlist
                            separated by commas like: "--playlist-items
                            1,2,5,8" if you want to download videos
                            indexed 1, 2, 5, 8 in the playlist. You can
                            specify range: "--playlist-items
                            1-3,7,10-13", it will download the videos
                            at index 1, 2, 3, 7, 10, 11, 12 and 13.
--match-title REGEX              Download only matching titles (regex or
                            caseless sub-string)
--reject-title REGEX             Skip download for matching titles (regex or
                            caseless sub-string)
--max-downloads NUMBER           Abort after downloading NUMBER files
--min-filesize SIZE              Do not download any videos smaller than
                            SIZE (e.g. 50k or 44.6m)
--max-filesize SIZE              Do not download any videos larger than SIZE
                            (e.g. 50k or 44.6m)
--date DATE                      Download only videos uploaded in this date
--datebefore DATE                Download only videos uploaded on or before
                            this date (i.e. inclusive)
--dateafter DATE                 Download only videos uploaded on or after
                            this date (i.e. inclusive)
--min-views COUNT                Do not download any videos with less than
                            COUNT views
--max-views COUNT                Do not download any videos with more than
                            COUNT views
--match-filter FILTER            Generic video filter (experimental).
                            Specify any key (see help for -o for a list
                            of available keys) to match if the key is
                            present, !key to check if the key is not
                            present,key > NUMBER (like "comment_count >
                            12", also works with >=, <, <=, !=, =) to
                            compare against a number, and & to require
                            multiple matches. Values which are not
                            known are excluded unless you put a
                            question mark (?) after the operator.For
                            example, to only match videos that have
                            been liked more than 100 times and disliked
                            less than 50 times (or the dislike
                            functionality is not available at the given
                            service), but who also have a description,
                            use --match-filter "like_count > 100 &
                            dislike_count <? 50 & description" .
--no-playlist                    Download only the video, if the URL refers
                            to a video and a playlist.
--yes-playlist                   Download the playlist, if the URL refers to
                            a video and a playlist.
--age-limit YEARS                Download only videos suitable for the given
--download-archive FILE          Download only videos not listed in the
                            archive file. Record the IDs of all
                            downloaded videos in it.
--include-ads                    Download advertisements as well


youtube-dl -f 'bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/mp4' *url*
