
如何設置 zsh 完成部分標題的樣式?

  • October 8, 2020



例如,如何將節標題設置為粗體或反轉 fg/bg 顏色?


請參閱info zsh format(您可能需要安裝zsh-doc軟體包或等效項)。

您可以設置format zstyle完成:

zstyle ':completion:*' format '%K{blue}%F{yellow}Completing %d:%k%f'

將完成標題顯示為Completing recent branches:藍色背景上的黃色。


3.  Styles for changing the way completions are displayed and inserted.
1.  Change appearance of completion lists:  allows descriptions of
   completions to appear and sorting of different types of completions.
1.  Print a message above completion lists describing what is being
You can set a string which is displayed on a line above the list of matches
for completions.  A `%d' in this string will be replaced by a brief
description of the type of completion.  For example, if you set the
string to `Completing %d', and type ^D to show a list of files, the line
`Completing files' will appear above that list.  Enter an empty line to
turn this feature off.  If you enter something which doesn't include `%d',
then `%d' will be appended.  Quotation will be added automatically.


您會發現compinstall確實將樣式設置為zstyle ':completion:*' format. 這設置了各種完成(文件、目錄、過濾器……)的格式。您還可以為不同的類別設置不同的樣式(參見傳遞給_descriptionin的第一個參數grep -rw _descriptions $fpath):

zstyle ':completion:*:*director*' format '%F{blue}%BCompleting %d:%b%f'
zstyle ':completion:*:*file*' format '%F{magenta}%BCompleting %d:%b%f'

# fallback:
zstyle ':completion:*:descriptions' format '%BCompleting %d:%b'

儘管您會發現這些標籤( files, directories…) 並不總是被所有完成者一致使用。
